Explore your Subconscious  

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Check out the latest article from Dr Nicole Janz, Book Coach:

How to Finish Your Writing Project (Thats Been Delayed Forever)

the universe doesnt give a fuck about you

this podcast ep is less woo than the title might suggest. highly recommended!

* The art & science of intention setting and the role of our neural pathways.

* How caring can ignite our Parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn can help us manifest better

* Practical tips for embedding an intention into our subconscious.

* The keys to understanding what we want vs. what we need

"Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." John Updike

Podcast #20 - Self Sabotage, Mind Control & The Limbic System w/ Jehan Sattaur

Emotions can run rampant. Its easy to get swept up in them when we feel flooded, but when we take a step back we can see how many emotions mingle to make up our lived experience.

Every so often I'm struck and surprised by how enduring some of my are. patterns, right

I wore the ears to on the last day of my high school career, as they call it, when I was 17.

I wore the hat to my friends' farewell gathering circa 2014 when we were about 29.

On both occasions - and true to form - I, of course, took of everyone else wearing the props too.


I think that the right to protest is one of the most basic rights that exist without it we have nothing at all.

(Like privacy, it matters to me intimately, and IMO it also constitutes a kind of "meta" right if *this* is not asserted, other rights become much easier to attack.)

It is under threat, worldwide my knows too.

Don't wait until it becomes illegal to hold up an empty piece of paper. (Or to wallk slowly. ffs.)

The influence of psilocybin on subconscious and conscious emotional learning (Casanova, et al, 2024)

"In 2024, it is clear to me that if you want to amplify intelligence, you dont build decentralized notes, you work on personal AI."

From the post that is winding down.

Oooof. Man, just oooof.

This is sad.

on the , and . I found this a really fascinating idea:

"...the subconscious being older than language ... but it has to understand language ... Language is probably no more than 70,000 years old."

He says some of the same things said, in Thinking, Fast and Slow, "You can't do two things at the same time."

Worth your five minutes.

Ive trained myself to listen to intuition and those crumbs from the subconscious. Ive allowed stories to unfold

My latest newsletter is about tuning in to the subconscious:

I have, for a very long time, resisted the notion that I even have a subconscious.

And yet, without a clear plan for this evening's dinner - beyond using up stuff in the fridge/freezer/pantry - I find myself devouring a heaping plate of chicken pot pie (xtra XTRA peas) and creamed corn.

Ya' think maybe my subconscious was hollerin' out for some comfort


The Subconscious team is announcing that they're shutting down. The very short version from Gordon Brander "Today, if you want to amplify intelligence, you probably wouldnt build a decentralized notes graph, you would go to work on personal AI."

Having just gone through this with Fission, I feel for Gordon and cdata and the whole team. Thank you for striving, for your writings, and for the wonderful community you built in your Discord.

The web of the subconscious mind

- Powers of the

Had a dream last night, where a friend got swallowed by a land whale that lives in the cooling lava flows, on a fantastical world.

The creature, though friendly is still dangerous when it filter feeds on cooling lava, and it was his fault for getting too close, and not checking his footing. The sudden out of the blue loss, really hurt me.

It actually woke me up. Maybe it was my subconscious way of dealing with that rejection email from last night.

A blind and deaf mind: what its like to have no visual imagination or inner voice

Noosphere presents a compelling vision for the future of knowledge sharing, leveraging the best of decentralized technologies to create a secure, interoperable, and open network for the exchange and preservation of information. As this platform continues to evolve, it might be of great interest to see how it could be used in Open Science Infrastructure.

Now Ive tried for , realised much of my is due to my wholebody the muscle tightness etc, learned about , and noticed how I dont wake up until maybe 4pm, remember my telling me no twice about looking again right after the last time I lost an Im getting to the point of acceptance that making my own living is just no.

Many years, Ive been obsessed with the desire, trying to improve my .

Ben Follington on the Subconscious team blogs on his personal site about using Subconscious to design Subconscious

So, how do you design feeling-first

Yes. How does both user and maker take the digital tool into their hands.

A great read while also being highly personal about what Ben is aiming to do and be: Metacognitive Design.

Getting started with founders Gordon & Chris in 30min

Ive had 5 sessions of , a type of that works on the with . Its known as in the US
It cleared the nastiest clinging . Released and unleashed the so for a while I was more wired at night. Another time releasing unlocked more feelings and now I can better, its levelling out. Help for if from stress, maybe
As therapy vs stress and feels, its good.

PTSD Stress & Anxiety Meditation

This simple relaxation activity can do more than just helping us deeply relax. Through repetition, it creates a natural mental association between being aware of our breathing (or counting down) and becoming deeply relaxed.

Impermanence shows us that there will be good times, and bad times.

In bad times we can remind ourselves that there are good times ahead.

Good times let us recuperate and be prepared for inevitable bad times.

Millions of people have been praying for peace for thousands of years...it might be time to try something else


Listen carefully to the sounds of nature for just 10 minutes and start your day connected with everything.

Meditation is just a word we use to describe purposefully distracting ourselves from our usual auto-pilot mental habits, and works by replacing our current mental habits with new ones through repetition which is how we formed our current mental habits in the first place.

Count 1,2,3 very quickly 10 times, counting on your fingers. Then count down 3,2,1 very very slowly 3 times. Notice how your mind has slowed and calmed.

This works by using principals of subconscious awareness where the mind going from fast to slow energizes and calms down leaving us with a calm energetic mind. Its the same process we often use with walking meditation to achieve a calm energized mind.

Look around you and notice the space in the room and be the space.

Notice how the space is there no matter what furniture and other items might be in itthe space is still there, unaffected. Be the space.

You are the space and our thoughts are like items in the space. They exist, but dont effect the space which goes endlessly beyond the room in all directions. Be the space.

- Powers of the

Close your eyes and slowly count down 3, 2, 1, and relax the muscles in your neck and shoulders. Repeat this three times.

We tend to tense up our shoulders and neck when we feel stressed or anxious. Purposely relaxing those muscles releases tension and stress or anxiety that caused us to tense up. Counting down slowly slows the mind, making it easier to relax.

# :)

Take a deep cleansing breath and hold it for a few seconds then slowly exhale.

Taking a deep breath to refresh and refocus is a natural meditation most of us do already. We can get further the benefits by doing it more often as a stress preventative.


Wash your hands, feel the temperature and wetness on your hands. Feel the texture and slipperiness of the soap, let your fingers dangle in the water for a second after rinsing. Notice how calm your mind is.

This works by taking up your full attention and temporarily distracting you from your auto-pilot mental habits.


For 30 seconds listen very carefully to everything you can hear without focusing on any one sound. Notice your calm mind.

This works by taking up your full attention and temporarily distracting you from your auto-pilot mental habits.

PTSD Stress & Anxiety Meditation

This meditation should be used in conjunction with therapy, not as an alternative to therapy. You should also let your therapist know you are using this meditation.


Quickly breathe in, taking a deep breath. Hold it for 5 seconds, then slowly exhale for a count of 10. Notice how your mind has slowed and calmed.

This works by using principals of subconscious awareness where the mind going from fast to slow energizes and then calms down leaving us with a calm energetic mind. Its the same process we often use with walking meditation to achieve a calm energized mind.

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