Explore your Subconscious  

Chadda-Nadda-Fadda-Bhadda Her subconscious hauteur at

Chadda-Nadda-Fadda-Bhadda Her subconscious hauteur at being born a Brahmin is showingand her hatred of all lower castes

tathagata2 Kolkata, India “Chadda-Nadda-Fadda-Bhadda”? Her subconscious hauteur at being born a Brahmin is showing,and her hatred of all lower castes! Unabashedly Right-wing Hindu socio-political activist,thinker, writer,ideologue.Former Governor. Pic an arterial road in my home town Kolkata.Bharat Mata ki Jai
VexKing ORDER MY BOOK When you change what’s on the inside, your life will begin to change on the outside. Life manifests inside out. Everything you see and experience in the world reflects your subconscious truths; instructions which can be rewritten. Change the code and you'll change your life. Author | Mind Coach | Lifestyle Entrepreneur | Husband | Dog dad ✦ #1 Sunday Times Bestseller of Good Vibes, Good Life ✦ Inspiring GREATNESS ✦ IG: @vexking

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